Interior advice

Are you looking for a refined interior with carefully selected materials and a unique design? You have come to the right place at Michel de Thouars Interiors. Our experienced interior specialists are ready to guide you in realizing your dream home. If you are interested in interior design advice where we will relieve you completely, do not hesitate to make an appointment with one of our expert advisors.

With us you can count on:

  • Your Personal Style and Preferences: At Michel de Thouars Interiors we understand that your own taste and preferences are the guideline for creating a unique interior that suits you perfectly.

  • From Idea to Realization: Our interior architects work closely with you to develop a design that seamlessly matches your vision. We then guide you through the entire process, from the first concept to final delivery.

  • Harmony in Materials and Colors: We strive for the perfect balance in colors and materials to create an interior that radiates tranquility and at the same time exudes luxury.

  • The Latest Atmosphere Accents: We understand that dotting the i's and crossing the i's is essential. Our experienced decorators ensure that your interior is styled and decorated down to the smallest detail, so that it attracts attention as a real eye-catcher.